Cyber Secure Coder Certification Badge

I passed the CertNexus Cyber Secure Coder Certification Exam!

CertNexus Cyber Secure Coder™ (CSC) is the comprehensive certification for validating secure coding practices – for all developers, in all programming languages, on all platforms.

Many fields in the IT industry have certification examinations which aspiring professionals can take up to validate their skills in the respective fields; I remember those days among my colleagues, you were not yet serious in building a career in IT Networking if you were not certified in Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). As time evolves and technology advances, more and more certifications emerged for the various roles in IT. For programmers, certifications in different programming languages are not as popular as their counterparts in other fields because it is as easy to prove that you are a developer as having a size-able number of projects in your portfolio.

Stakeholders give a whole lot of attention to the functionalities expected in a software system whereas little attention is given to what the system should not do – the bad side of it is that attackers are not interested in functional features of the system unless they provide an avenue for attack. When attacks are successful, money is lost, contracts are lost, reputations are damaged! It is therefore not enough to be a developer; the CertNexus’ Cyber Secure Coder™ (CSC) validates/improve your skills as a programmer in being able to create applications that are secure.

When I put in for the course, I enjoyed every bits of the preparations and on January 7th, I sat for and passed the examination. It lasted for 2hours and included 80 questions.

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